So, today was nice. We had a family BBQ. We do that alot. Scott has a Traeger grill and looks for any excuse to fire her up. The occasion? It was for my baby brother. Some of you Jed, my "baby" brother who happens to be nearly 30 and 6 1/12 feet tall, but my baby brother nonetheless.
The day began rainy so we decided to move everything inside at our house. The food was yummy, the conversation was great and it was nice to have everyone together, though in a really close, careful not to eat too much or we won't be able to slide past each other sort of way. I don't live in the biggest, fanciest house in town. Yeah, I know, that surprises you all but really, it's the truth. We had nearly 35 people and on short notice seating for about 10. And did I mention, I didn't clean the house? Oops!
Oh, well, I think we did fine. It was, as I said, a good time. Still, as with any function where the main goal is to stuff your face as full as you can as fast as you can, when it's over, well, that's good too. Time for a nap. Curl up next to the hubby 'cause we're old like that. That's what we old folks do right? Or not . . .
Oh, no . . the grandkids came today. Well, Josh and Miley I mean. The others were already here. Josh and Mimi haven't been here for a few days though. They kind of wander in and out at will. You know, when they get tired of mom and dad or mom and dad get tired of them - they come to Ninny and Pops. They actually live about twenty miles away and were coming for the cookout today but guess what - come time to go home, I drive twenty miles to drop them off and they're not staying. "I no go home Ninny, I stay wi-choo! I go see Pops! I go to you house." Nearly fifteen minutes of persuasion didn't change his mind. He had decided. He was going home with Ninny.
Was I surprised? Of course not. Were you? Of course not. Not if you are one who has seen a grandchild at work. Something about the mop-headed, grimy-faced little curtain climbers that you simply cannot say no to. I knew it was going down that way. I planned to put up a good fight. I had a good argument. Am I a bad Ninny? No, it's just that tomorrow is Sunday, I'm married to the pastor, I need to be in service not manning the Nursery which seems to be where I log most of my church hours these days. No, I cannot take the children tonight. They need to go home tonight. I'll get them Monday. Monday is good right? Not much goes on on Mondays - good day for grandkids to come and stay.
Okay, whatever, not happening. Why do I try? So, as I write . . .
They are running crazy around the house. They want pizza, they want wah-wah, they want left over cheesecake! Now that should settle them down just fine, don't you think? They have taken turns trying to poke each other's eyes out and Miley, the pint-sized girlie, girl of the bunch is in most instances, the aggressor! They are fighting over the remote and turning over the kitchen chair and yes, peeing in my floor! What is it about this potty-training thing? Do I need to get puppy pads or WHAT! I swear I'm gonna super-glue those diapers on if they don't stop that! Or would it be better just to chain them in the back yard? I don't know, I'll have to ask the grandparenting experts about that one . . . .
Anyway . . at the end of the day, those babies really do bring us joy and we really are pleased to have them here - even when it means missing a much coveted ate too much this afternoon nap. As much as we all sometimes annoy each other we really are a happy little group. At the end of the day, like a pile of puppies we curl up on the couch, in the chair or wherever. Though I really did want that nap this afternoon, I guess I'll have plenty of time for sleeping when they're grown. Right now, I think I'll join the puppy pile in the pic above . . . I'm jus' sayin' . . .
Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Food, family, fun.