Okay! Here we go!
How long did it take for the grands to give me new material? Well, only a few minutes after the sun rose but I'm going to pick a special one tonight. I am typing only because I've spent a painstaking hour and a half replacing the keys on my laptop keyboard. Sound like fun? Well, it isn't.
Which one? The two year old. Brody. He's cute as a angel, cupid has nothing on him but he is a rowdy little imp. I know better than to leave a computer in a room that isn't filled with adults at all times, yet I did it anyway. Go figure. Brain lapse I guess. I've got some paperwork spread out in a corner of my living room (make shift office), which is not where I normally place my computer, except that I recently got my wireless router working and thus, I am more mobile. A good thing right? Apparently not tonight.
Did he crawl up to the computer and not so gently pluck 10+ keys from the keyboard? Yes he did. He caught everyone otherwise occupied. Grandparents, a set of parents, an uncle and a cousin in the house and not one person discovered his evil plot to destroy my only means of communication with the outside world until well after his hot little fingerprints had cooled!
My laptop, more affectionately nicknamed by my daughter "my favorite child" is very near and dear to my heart. I could sooner go without food than without my computer. I'm sorry. I'm looking for a 12 Step program but until then, some things simply are what they are . . .
Okay, I know you're wondering, did I yell? No . . I couldn't. Ever been too distraught to yell? Well, I was but I did run through a series of teeth-clenched, Oh, no. Oh, no. No, I know you didn't. Oh my God! I know you didn'ts and even though I didn't yell at him, I think he got the picture. Ninny was a little miffed!
What makes a two year old crawl up into a chair in the corner and say "I sorry, Ninny, I sorry," and then come back an hour into your computer reconstruction surgery and lean over the back of the sofa and say "I nice, Ninny. I nice"? Only the realization that he's willfully done something horribly wrong. He's two and a half years old and nothing will convince me that he didn't absolutely know Ninny was NOT going to be happy when she discovered his work, yet he did it anyway. Why? I'm guessing because he could . . . and because he knew, the minute those big blue eyes and shiny white baby teethed smile flashed my way, I would turn to mush. . .
Okay, so maybe I didn't turn to mush instantaneously but now that he's in his little bed with his pj's on and those big blue eyes shut for a few hours of battery recharging . . . I'm about as mushy as I can get. . . I'm jus' sayin'.
Who knew..... Thought I was the funny one. Great Blog