Seriously . . . I'm beginning to think eviction is definitely in our future. We are running out of excuses to give the neighbors for the behavior of our less than docile grandchildren. Can you be evicted for that? God, I hope not. . .
There have been no recent posts, so too much has happened to catch everyone up to speed in one post but the short, short story is that we are currently raising four grandchildren and a pre-teen son of our own with yet another grandson who has a semi-permanent residence here. Thankfully, I now hold two jobs which keeps us all out of the house during weekdays but the early evenings and weekends are absolute hell on our neighbors. If there isn't a petition to rid the neighborhood of the Sutton Family Mini-destructo Team, honestly, there should be.
Recent incidents have inspired me to take to the keyboard and let everyone know that 'stuff' is STILL happening here at the Sutton household. I know I must keep it condensed to just a few of their antics because you are busy people and the idea is to entertain you - not send you over the edge. Okay, you're right . . . it is my therapy. These posts are for me, an attempt to maintain my sanity more than anything else, they aren't really about you at all. Still, I hope they might be used as a tool to help you to remember - there is always someone who has it worse than you do!
I think I've posted before about the lil' yappers that live at the house behind ours. Never mind that there is a six foot privacy fence between the houses. Their dogs still yap at everything and our grandsons are on a mission to silence them. No matter how many corner standings it may take.
The dogs survived their recent shovel attack. No, we don't leave shovels lying around with these two on the loose but Pops' truck is full of a variety of weapons. I noticed yesterday that a six foot ladder lying low in the bed of the truck was somehow removed by the dynamic duo and so I've come to realize the shovel used in the recent yapper dog attack must have been easily removed. And I digress . . .
These boys are so intent on silencing these little dogs' yapping that they will use any means necessary and suffer any consequence. Just a couple of days ago they took the mop from the kitchen and quickly found their way to the side fence (which is a four foot chain-link) and harpooned it toward the little guys. Our neighbor must be getting wise to them because this time, she kept the mop. They were furious!
Yep! You guessed it. They tattled on the neighbor lady.
"Pops! Pops! They neighbor lady kept Ninny's mop!" they cried. "Why was the mop outside boys?" "Because we threw it at the dogs, Pops." "Why did you throw it at the dogs?" "Because they wouldn't shut up!" "Get in the corner, right now! And later, we're going to apologize and get the mop back!"
The corner it was and sure enough, after they apologized, she gave the mop back. Still, they didn't seem very upset about the whole ordeal. I think the corner time was worth it to them because at least the neighbor lady got into trouble and had to give the mop back. I might find all of this a bit more entertaining myself but I just recently learned that the neighbor lady - is an aunt to one of my bosses! Can you imagine the conversation in their house during the holidays! Oh, to be a fly on the wall! Or maybe not . . . ;)